Fundraising Contract
Fundraising Smart Contract
The Fundraising Smart Contract is a Solidity-based contract designed to power Real World Asset (RWA) fundraising campaigns on the Ethereum blockchain. It allows investors to participate in fractional ownership sales by contributing stablecoins (ERC20 tokens) in exchange for project-specific tokens. The contract includes features like fundraising goals, minimum investment sizes (ticket sizes), project deadline, and automatic distribution of project tokens based on each userβs contribution.
How It Works: A Real-Life Example
Imagine a beautiful holiday home in Benidorm worth $130,000. A DAO or property management company wants to buy it and offer fractional ownership to its members. Hereβs how Rentibleβs fundraising process works:
Token Minting: The DAO creates a dedicated token for this project, called BenidormRWA (BRWA). Investors can exchange stablecoins (like USDT) for BRWA tokens, which represent ownership in the property.
Fundraising Campaign: The campaign is launched with clear terms: a target amount in USDT, a minimum contribution size (e.g., 250 USDT), and a set deadline. Investors can purchase ownership units by contributing 250 USDT or more until the deadline or until the tokens sell out.
Investing Made Simple: Retail investors can now own a piece of this Spanish property for as little as 250 USDT, and their upper limit is their risk appetite (and the hard cap).
Finalizing the Fundraising: Once the fundraising campaign ends, the collected USDT is transferred to the DAOβs wallet to purchase the property and handle all related tasks. Contributors can then claim their BRWA tokens, which will entitle them to practice their ownership rights.
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